• Groundscape Designer of ATELIER DAISHIZEN

“New value, new nature” 「あたらしい価値、あたらしい自然」

(THISIS)SHIZENのディレクターとして、植物を中心にしながらまったく新しい組み合わせやアプローチでこれまでにない場所を作り上げたATELIER DAISHIZENの齊藤太一さんと、同店で植物と陶芸のディレクションを行う松江大輔さん。(THISIS)SHIZENというダイレクトなネーミングにもあるように、この場所から発信する自然、そしてその価値とはなんだろうか。二人の意識や言葉から、私たち人間が今この時代に考えるべきさまざまな物事が紐解かれていきます。

Taichi Saito, the founder of ATELIER DAISHIZEN ー who is the director of (THISIS)SHIZEN, have created a place with a completely new combination and approach while specializing on plants, along with Daisuke Matsue, a director of plants and ceramics. Regarding the title "(THISIS)SHIZEN", we questioned what will they express about nature and its value from this place. From their consciousness and words, we can unravel various things that human beings need to think about in today's world.

僕たちにとって初めての園芸店、東京・白金台の『BIOTOP NURSERIES』のオープンから2020年で丸10年。当時は植物だけの店は珍しかったですし、ましてやファッションとリンクしている形態はとても画期的な試みでしたが、この10年の間に、植物のある暮らしはライフスタイルのスタンダードのひとつになったと感じています。そしてこの10年という節目を迎えた今年、新しい店を京都に出すという機会を得て、植物だけにこだわらずにこれまで手がけてきたどれとも違う店……とラディカルに考えていくうちに、「自然」というテーマに行き着きました。自然の美しさ、自然の恵み、自然をより自然に感じられる、そんな場所にしたいと、『ディズ イズ シゼン』という店名を思いつきました。そして、10年で植物のある暮らしがスタンダードになったように、この場所からまた新しいカルチャーを作りたいと思ったんです。(齊藤)

In 2020, it will be 10 years since the opening of our first horticultural shop, BIOTOP NURSERIES, in Shirokanedai, Tokyo. At the time, a plant-only store was very rare, and the idea of linking it to fashion was a revolutionary experiment, but over the past ten years, I feel that living with plants has become a standard part of our lifestyle. This year, after 10 years, I had the opportunity to open a new shop in Kyoto, and as I thought radically about how this shop would be different from any other shop I had ever worked on that didn't only focus on plants, I came up with the theme of "nature". I came up with the name "This is Shizen" because I wanted to make it a place where you can feel the beauty of nature, the blessings of nature, and organic nature. Just as living with plants has become the standard in 10 years, I wanted to create a new culture from this place.(Saito)

― こうしてはじまったこのプロジェクト、(THISIS)SHIZENでは「Nature, Craft, Art」をコンセプトに、日本の自然の恵みと人の手が生み出す形あるものと食を提供する場所として店を作りましたが、そもそもこの(THISIS)SHIZENのショップコンセプトは、二人が造園家として活動する“ATELIER DAISHIZEN”のフィロソフィーが根底にあるそうですね。

— The concept of this project, "Nature, Craft, Art", was to create a shop that offers the blessings of nature in Japan as well as food and other tangible products created by human hands... and initially, this concept is based on the philosophy of "ATELIER DAISHIZEN", where two of you working as landscapers, is that right?


自然には、土・水・風・山・川・海・大地・緑......というさまざまなエレメントがあり、それらが構成する自然環境もさまざまな外的要因から、刻一刻と変化しています。同様に、人間の価値観や自然との距離感ももっと自然に変わっていくのが自然だと思うのです。だから伝統を敬いつつも、あたらしい価値、あたらしい自然とのハイブリッドでもっと価値を高めていくという自然観が、人間をより前進させるのではないでしょうか。 その土地や環境ごとの自然の探求や、そこで営まれてきた暮らしがもたらす自然がある一方で、完全に人工物ではあるけれど、現代の暮らしでは自然以上に自然だと感じられたりする物事もあります。そんなふうに、古いものへの敬意とあたらしいものへの好奇心やリサーチが僕たちの考える現代の庭づくりが生まれています。それがATELIER DAISHIZENのフィロソフィーであり、(THISIS)SHIZENのコンセプトの根底にあるものです。(松江)

The philosophy of "ATELIER DAISHIZEN" that underlies (THISIS)SHIZEN

The elements of nature are earth, water, wind, mountains, rivers, sea, earth, and greenery.... and the natural environment in which these elements are composed is also changing moment by moment through a variety of external factors. In the same way, I think it is natural for human values and our sense of distance from nature to keep changing. Therefore, I think that a view of nature that respects tradition while enhancing its value through new values and hybrids with new nature will drive us forward into future. On the one hand, there are some things that are completely man-made, but feel more natural than nature in our modern life. In this way, our respect for the old and our curiosity and research for the new is what gives rise to our idea of modern garden making. This is the philosophy of ATELIER DAISHIZEN and the basis of the concept of (THISIS)SHIZEN.(Matsue)

― (THISIS)SHIZENには、食、デザイン、陶芸、アート、そして空間づくりにおいても、実にさまざまなコンテンツが集約されています。ここに関わる多くの方と彼らから生み出されるものは、どのようにショップという場所に落とし込まれているのでしょうか。

— (THISIS)SHIZEN is a truly diverse collection of content in food, design, ceramics, art, and space creation. How did people involved in the process of making this shop?



From known to unknown

As soon as I decided to create a shop called (THISIS)SHIZEN, I asked Kohei Nawa to design this space. This is the first time we collaborate together. Since we are building a new shop, we wanted to work with someone who could make this space something completely new and unimaginable. Mr.Nawa was interested in our project and agreed to join us right away. At that time, I only had a rough structure of plants, sake, and ceramics, but as Mr.Nawa mentions, if we take nature as the earth's ecosystem and apply the relationship between producers, decomposers, and consumers to the structure of (THISIS)SHIZEN, then we have much clearer logic throughout the various genres of things gathered in this shop. Plants the producers, the pottery made from the soil, sake made by the decomposers, and the humans who consume them. This is what we think nature is, in other words, (THISIS)SHIZEN.(Saito)


Our offer to Mr. Nawa and other people was like asking them to play freely with the theme of nature using this box ー (THISIS)SHIZEN. And through various opportunities, people in Kyoto and Shiga naturally gathered together. What they all have in common is that while they value history and traditions, they all want to do something new and interesting on their own in this modern era. The stereotype of "nature" and "Kyoto" may be particularly strong. For example, when people think of "Japanese garden", many people think of stones, moss, lanterns and bonsai. So we put a moss ball with a very large tree inside the shop. Plants don't necessarily have to be potted, and if you put a moss ball in the space, that's where the garden becomes. At (THISIS)SHIZEN, I would like to dispel any stereotypical ideas, and sell from a new perspective, rather than just selling stuff.(Matsue)

― ATELIER DAISHIZENとして、やはり植物へのこだわりは注目すべき点だと思います。(THISIS)SHIZENにはどんな植物が集まるのでしょうか。そしてこれからどのように変化していくのでしょうか。

— As the ATELIER DAISHIZEN, I think that your attention to plants is something that particularly needs to be paid attention to. What kind of plants will gather in (THISIS)SHIZEN? And how will it change in the future?



Aiming to create a culture that will last hundred of years

Like Nawa's meteorite object placed in the center of the store, the plants we choose are based on the concepts of the past, the present, and the future. There is a wide variety of Japanese and Western plants, ornamental plants and cacti. Dixonia, an ancient fern with roots dating back more than 300 million years, will also be included, as well as a yew tree over five meters high, which will be used as a symbolic tree and turned into a moss ball in the store. It's probably the biggest moss ball in Japan haha.(Matsue)

(THISIS)SHIZENは植屋と茶屋で構成される店なのに、テーブルも客席も棚も無い。本来店に必要な要素がほとんどありません。でも、僕たちの知っている定義ってなんでしょう? テーブルはなくても飲食を提供できるし、木がなくても庭は作れる。各々の楽しみ方でグリーンライフが浸透したように、さらにフィールドを広げて、自然へのあたらしい考え方や楽しみ方も生まれるきっかけをここから作っていきたいです。当たり前だと思っていたことが当たり前ではなくなったりと、日々世の中も変化し続けていますが、(THISIS)SHIZENで発信するスタイルが次のスタンダードとなり、価値ある文化として定着することを目指していきたいですね。(松江)

(THISIS)SHIZEN is about a gardener and a teahouse, but there are no tables, seats or shelves. There are very few elements that supposed to be provided in the store. But, what is the definition of store? You can serve food and drink without a table, and you can create a garden without a tree. Just as the green life has spread in different ways, I would like to expand the field even further and create opportunities for new ways of thinking and enjoying nature from here. The world continues to change day by day, with things we take for granted no longer being the norm, but I would like to make sure that the style we transmit at (THISIS)SHIZEN becomes the next standard and is firmly established as a valuable culture.(Saito)