• Nanzenji Harada owner

“Keep creating a variety of nature” 「彩り豊かな自然を、これからも創っていく」


Chaya/Eat - one of the elements which provides food and drink at bar counter in the (THISIS)SHIZEN store. It offers sake, tea and snacks that you can purely feel and taste the blessings of nature. Mr. Satoshi Harada from NANZENJI HARADA, a restaurant serving ochazuke kaiseki cuisine and sake in Kyoto, led the spatial direction. In today's varied food culture, (THISIS) SHIZEN expresses the shape of nature and emotion through cuisine.


For me, nature means "sky blue". The night is dark and black, gold with shimmering stars, yellow of the rising sun, blue spread across the sky, and when the sun goes down, it turns into a deep red. Then, And the moon blinked pale. These are what everyone sees the same everywhere in the world.
I still vividly remember the view of the farm fields I saw when I visited the Aramasa Sake Brewery in Akita. That view I saw is true picture of nature itself. When it rains, the water flows from the mountains to the rivers, nutritious water flows into the paddy fields, and the rice grows up in the sunshine, where co-live with killifish, diving beetles, loaches, and birds. Then, the water flows into the sea, evaporate, and brings rain. This circulation is the basis of nature. To do agriculture is to follow along the circulation, show respect to nature, grow crops with traditional method, overcome natural disasters, and communicate with other producers who believes in organic method. I believe that the fruits of blood, sweat, and tears, which are created through many hardships year after year, can be said to be the product of nature.


However, this is something that will be destroyed if the world continues to carry out its current mass production. If you use pesticides against the circulation and mass produce, it will destroy nature. However, most of the growers I work with are challenging the mass production and trying to put back to what the nature used to be. Protect and preserve - I am trying to recreate nature with them.

― その自然への考えや行動が、(THISIS)SHIZEN の食の構成に大きく結びついているのだと思います。この「茶屋」で表現する食べ物や飲み物に共通するコンセプトとはなんでしょうか。

— I think that the way you think and act towards nature is very much connected to the food (THISIS) SHIZEN provides . Could you tell me about the common concept between nature and the food&drink in "Chaya"?


一言で言うと「米」です。日本の歴史上において米は、お金の代わりに重宝され、人々の暮らしを支える上で重要な役割を担っていました。日本各地には伏見稲荷大社をはじめ五穀豊穣の神様を祀る社が多く存在します。2,000年以上前に稲作が日本で行われた頃から重宝されていた米を現代の食に転換し (THISIS)SHIZEN を通して表現しています。

Looking back at the roots of “rice" and express as modern food

I would simply say it's rice. Throughout the Japanese history, rice has been a valuable substitute for money and played an important role in supporting people's lives. In Japan, there are a lot of shrines where worships the gods of good harvest, including Fushimi Inari-taisha. Rice has been treasured since rice cultivation in Japan that started more than 2,000 years ago, and now, I converted into modern cuisine and expressed through (THISIS) SHIZEN.

― 実際にはどのようなラインナップが楽しめるのでしょうか。

— What kind of food will be on the menu?



Materials from nature and the wonderfulness of the changing seasons

I provided a rice dumpling "Dango" along with five flavors: soy flour, mitarashi, mashed pea, black sesame, and nuts, all of which can enjoy natural taste. The silky-soft "inari" has been carefully selected for its natural colors, such as green (green seaweed, dried baby sardines with Japanese pepper), yellow (Yuzu, Japanese white radish with Yuzu), red (miso, gomoku gohan), black (black sesame, rice cassorole with fish, meat and vegetables).
Each of the three types of sweets has its own concept: the first is a visual representation of the seasonal atmosphere, the second is an arrangement of ingredients from nature, and the third is a representation of rocks and moss inspired from (THISIS) SHIZEN. In addition, we put mugwort salt powder in the puff batter and salt in the cherry jam, so that none of these flavors are too sweet. We want the menu to feel seasonal, so we plan to change it according to the season, and serve with seasonal ingredients from our farm.
For beverages, visitors will be able to enjoy a selection of sake made by Kyoto's Matsumoto Sake Brewery, sours made with Japanese sake, naturally fermented beer, and organic tea made from roasted acorns called Matebashii.

― 造り手の想い、そして日本の素晴らしい食の歴史、文化を味わうことができる(THISIS)SHIZEN の茶屋。この場所を訪れる方にとってどんな存在でありたいでしょうか。

— The CHAYA of (THISIS) SHIZEN where you can feel the connection to producers and the wonderful history and culture of Japanese food. What would you like ‘Chaya’ to be represented for those who visit this place?


We want it to be a function as a resting place. There are many condominiums and offices in the Karasuma-Oike area, so we would like to invite neighbors to drop in. No matter when you come, there are changes in the menu and the plants that keep growing in the space. I would like people to experience (THISIS) SHIZEN where elaborate with space, plants and food.