What is nature? It's a vague word and people take it differently. But what I think is that in today's society, there is almost no such thing as untouched nature. There are many ways to separate "human beings" from "nature," but I believe that the assembly of all beings, including humans, fits within "nature." I always think about how to maintain a sense of distance between plants, animals, and soil, and how humans maintain a sense of distance from the natural environment, then live, and create. That's why I think "the whole world, including humans," means nature to me.
My recent reflections on the relationship between nature and humans are also expressed as “Notion of Forms” in the autumn/winter 2020 collection through the keyword “trees”. I was curious about how the urban civilization that we have today was created, so I began to research it, and I found that many people today live in spaces where trees are not used around them, or in rooms where wood is not used, but that is a special environment in the past human history.
The concept of the "circular" shape itself was probably found in the cross section of the tree. Some studies have shown that the origins of the linear structures that we see around us today, began when trees were split to make into square wood.
Trees are, of course, a great material, but I think we have learned from trees the very concept of form that is the source of today's cities and technology. I find this very interesting, and this process itself is the concept behind my collection.
― その自然に対する考えは、吉本さんの生まれ育った環境の存在が大きいと思います。“ヒッピームーブメントの聖地”とも言われる北カリフォルニアの山岳地帯で幼少期時代を過ごし、その後も様々な場所を拠点としてきた吉本さん。そのような環境を経て、今の自身のスタイルとは。
— The way he think about nature is influenced by the environment he was born and raised. Yoshimoto spent his childhood in the mountainous region of Northern California, also known as the "holy land of the hippie movement," and has stayed in many different places since then. What is his current style after going through such an environment?
屋久島で撮影された amachi. 2020AWコレクションのキャンペーン。
amachi. AW collection 2020 campaign visual in Yakushima, Kagoshima. Photography by GO MINAMI
自然と都市 両方あってこそのスタイル
Nature and city His original style that comes from the both
I was born and raised in the mountains of northern California. It's a unique environment now that I think about it, but it's the closest place to nature for me. It's deep in the mountains where there is no electricity, water or gas, and electricity is generated by solar panels and water is drawn from a water source. My parents were musicians, so I've been all over the world and also I've been living in Tokyo too. This journey gave me a great influence when I work on creation. when I started amachi., I decided to set up my atelier in Nagano because the place where I can concentrate the most is where is close to nature. It didn't necessarily have to be in Nagano, but I chose here since I found a reasonable mountain where I would stay. I may move to somewhere else eventually, and I'm flexible about where I'll be based. I still travel back and forth between Tokyo and Nagano, but it's important for me to move between the city and nature, to be in both. There are some good things about cities, such as the latest technology and the developmental aspects. I think the interesting part of society in the future is how to combine both nature and the city. I want to take things in as big swing as possible.
デザイナーの故郷、北カリフォルニアのエルクバレーで撮影された amachi.2018SSコレクションのキャンペーン。
amachi. SS collection 2018 campaign visual in Elk Valley, North California where is designer's home town. Photography by GO MINAMI
― 今回(THISIS)SHIZENのために作ったプロダクト。 初めて手がけたというユニフォームの制作は、amachi.として新たなアプローチとなったと思います。
— The products made for (THISIS) SHIZEN - I think that creating a uniform for the first time was a new approach for amachi. isnt it?
空間のための服 amachi.の新たなアプローチ
Clothes for space The new approach of amachi.
The keyword "nature" is common to both brand concepts of (THISIS) SHIZEN and amachi. I agreed with this idea and joined this project. For the uniforms for the shop staff, I tried not to be conscious too much about the word 'nature', and finished the uniforms with a solid impression of gray, which is difficult to dye with plants and trees. The jacket, pants and apron are made of a fabric with a thick weave structure and a strong texture on the surface, combined with uneven charcoal dyeing to create a texture reminiscent of the earth and stones. The shirt is made of the same grey but 100% cotton fabric dyed with chestnut and logwood for a deep color that is different from the charcoal. We added points such as plant motif embroidery and book buffalo buttons to this.
This is the first time I've worked on making uniforms. (THISIS) SHIZEN is worn by both the food/beverage team and the horticulture team, so in order to understand how they works, I borrowed tools used in the shop to make a pocket to fit them, and have done a discussion about functionality. I was particularly conscious of the relationship to the space. I think that the uniforms worn by people who are always in a space play a big role as a component of that space. In that sense, it was a different approach from my usual collection.
amachi. SS collection 2020 installation. They exhibit the collection with the installation every season. Photography by designer
2020SSコレクションのデザイン期間、デザイナーらが滞在していたポルトガル アレンテージョ地方の採石場にて。共にデザイナー撮影。
At the quarry in Alentejo, Portugal. Designer had stayed in around there to design SS collection 2020. Photography by designer
― amachi.の服がこの場所を訪れた人、そして手にした人にとってどのような存在でありたいでしょうか。
— What do you wish people to create relationship between the clothes of "amachi." who visit this place and buy amachi. item?
The lineup we have created this time is going to be for sale, but it is created as a uniform, so that it is a new type of piece fro me which has a tool-like aspect to my own creation. So I hope that this item will last a long time for the person who buy it. I already see a vision for the future, I'd like to have an exhibition at (THISIS)SHIZEN.
デザイナーの故郷、北カリフォルニアのエルクバレーで撮影された amachi.2018SSコレクションのキャンペーン。
amachi. SS collection 2018 campaign visual in Elk Valley, North California where is designer's home town. Photography by GO MINAMI