自然から直接的に教わる 音楽作りのヒント
The hints from nature When he create sounds
Nature is my inspiration and hint in making music. It feels like that nature is directly teaching me about dynamics (how to make sounds strong and weak), such as the sounds when I listen in the forest. Sometimes I consciously put myself in nature to make music, but also I do a casual field recording while walking around town or the moment on a trip. For example, in classical music performance techniques, generally I have a teacher specialised for my instrument and teaches me how to play it, and I can develop it through the exchange of ideas. On the other hand, when you make music on a computer, there is no one to be your teacher. Therefore, the nature becomes like a teacher. I get hints from all kinds of natural environments, not only in the forest, but also from the sound of waves and the sound of the wind in the city.
― 鳥の鳴き声や雨の音といった自然の中にいるような音があらわれたと思えばそこに時折ノイジーな音が重なりあう。豊かな音の広がりで様々な表情をもつ(THISIS)SHIZENのサウンドスケープはどのように生まれたのでしょうか。
— The sound of birds singing and rainfall, as if they were in the middle of nature, then sometimes blends with fuzzy noise. How did the soundscape of (THISIS) SHIZEN, with its richness of sound and various expressions born?
Soundscape for (THISIS)SHIZEN
Usually, the music played in the store is from playlists or wired music, but the main feature of the soundscape I created for (THIS) SHIZEN is that it is not just a sound source, but using a computer program. It's made to flow with nature sounds from bird, bug and water, and pianos, guitars, synthesisers, etc., and its volume and sound shifts randomly. For example, once every few minutes, there would be the sound of rain, followed by a quiet sound afterwards. Unlike normal BGM music, the sound is not fixed. I've made a scenario, but strictly speaking, no single combinations are the same. I also paid attention to the speaker, and this time I installed four speakers that spread the sound horizontally. Regarding of design, I chose that would coexist in this space rather than hide it.
Initially, they requested to make a playlist or compose a song. However, when I thought about the concept of (THISIS)SHIZEN and the style of the shop, I thought that the presence of living plants and Kohei Nawa's giant sculpture, which is a still object, would harmonise the whole space and draw a landscape of its space if there is continuous movement of sound. This is the first piece of music I've ever made for commercial building. Furthermore, this music can be made sustainably by updating the sound file. In the future, if you add other instruments or environmental music, the program will run and choose new sounds. I aimed for something that leaves that kind of possibility. I created a soundscape, but at the same time I installed a "function" to harmonise this space.
写真家 MH Studio Inc.
Photography by MH Studio Inc.
― 音作りに対し、自然の存在はどう捉えたのでしょうか。
— 音作りに対し、自然の存在はどう捉えたのでしょうか。
音楽を通して共存する 自然物と人工物
Coexist through music. Organic and inorganic objects
Since the name (THISIS) SHIZEN includes 'nature' in Japanese, therefore the theme of sound is nature. If you want to include bird calls, it's better to go to the forest and listen. However, in this space, I created a gradation of sound with artificial electronic sounds, as well as guitars and pianos. I also see the electronic sounds of synthesisers not only as manufactured objects that contrast with nature, but also imagining as blending with nature. Just as the sound of a waterfall can be heard as white noise, we can also go back and forth between nature and artifacts depending on the way we hear them, can't we? (THISIS) SHIZEN is located in the middle of Kyoto, but from a broader perspective, it is surrounded by mountains. I thought it might be possible to express the miniature of that environment.
― 京都を活動拠点する原さんだからこそ持つ考察や想いもあると思います。(THISIS)SHIZENを通して、今回手がけたサウンドスケープがどのような存在でありたいでしょうか。
— I’m sure that you have special thoughts since you are based in Kyoto - How do you want the soundscape to exist through (THISIS)SHIZEN?
I'm glad that I was able to place my sound in the city of Kyoto permanently, where is also my base. A soundscape is like a change you slightly notice. That's what I think is important. However, I think that (THISIS) SHIZEN is a place that can be enjoyed with all the senses, so I would be happy if people would listen to the sound as well. While installing the sound in the store, there was a moment when the sparrows just flew by and the soundscape actually blended in with the city. The moment when the inside of the shop and the outside blend together is a great feeling, so I hope you can actually experience it.