The more you notice small changes The better capturing nature as a shape
I was born and raised in Shiga Prefecture, and lived my childhood in nature, so I never came to think of nature itself. If I try to think about it now ... When I used to do drawing, there was a time when I specifically concentrated on landscape painting. I had been watching the same scenery every single day for three hours. For example, even on a very hot summer day, I tried to keep observing the forest, which was in direct sunlight and backlit. There are several places where I feel like I belong to, and eventually I became to see the nature as a shape while noticing small change in nature, like “Oh, that tree is dying”. Those days might be the peak that I have been living as if I ampart of nature. I was trying if I could express myself by draw the same scenery continuously. It is like ‘Zazen’.
― オン/オフをつけることなく、常に自然に身を委ねていることが野田さんの自然。だからこそ自然に対して多くのことを気づくのでしょうか。
— As far as I hear your story, you seems to perceive the nature by letting yourself flow into the them without switching your mindset. Is that the reason why you become to notice a lot of things in the nature?
Giving own shape into the sensational moment
I have been having drawing class for disabled people every month for about 17 years, and most of their creation are not really organised. This is my inspiration for over many years. Once I held a group exhibition with them, one of my student collected the plastic and straw trash to his room, and started to make "Rocket" and "vacuum cleaners" using cellophane tape. I was impressed by how quickly he was able to immerse his sensitivity into the creation. Just like him, I wish to utilize this sensation into my artwork while I am taking a walk in the wild mountain and got inspired from nature.
「藁と三辺の枝」 (素材 : 藁、 麻の茎、ヒサカキの枝、梨の枝、糸) 3本の異なる枝で三角を作る所がはじまりで、接点から藁が立ち上がって合わさる三角錐の形までは自然と出来上りました。
“Straw and triangle branch” (Material: Straw, Hemp stem, Eurya japonica branch, Pear tree branch, string) Firstly, I started from combining different kind of branches into triangle, then I combined straw into joint then made it into triangle pyramid. It finished naturally until this point.
「錦木の間を縫う」(素材 : 錦木、椰子の繊維、糸) 錦木の冬枝はコルク状の翼が美しく、それをただ繋ぎ合わせていびつな円を作りました。眺めているうちにだんだんと枝を足したり、その間を縫い合わせたりと、少しずつ育っていった形です。
“Weaving between cotton” (Material: cotton, pampas grass, string) The winter branch of cotton has beautiful corkscrew shaped wing, and I made imperfect circle by just combing the branch together. Gradually, I added some branches and stitch.
― (THISIS)SHIZEN をきっかけに今後どのような作品が生まれるでしょうか。
— What do you imagine to create collaborating with (THISIS)SHIZEN?
I have no idea (because it's not opened yet). For now, I think I will get an inspiration once I actually visit the store then I finally can come up with new ideas.